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Tag: technology

Improving My Posture

Improving My Posture

Introduction Common behaviour towards posture isn’t too dissimilar to common behaviour towards pensions. Towards both, individuals often fail to invest suitably in them while they are young, they fail to compound the benefits and don’t take corrective action early or invest sufficiently, and they suffer later in life as a result. Under-investing in a pension when young can lead to you having to work until past statutory retirement age and/ or having insufficient funds to live the life you’d like…

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Reviewing 2017 & Planning 2018

Reviewing 2017 & Planning 2018

  Introduction  This won’t be yet another New Year’s Resolution blog post, I’m sure your sick of reading or hearing about them by now.   I don’t like making New Year’s Resolutions, primarily because it often feels like people make them purely to break them! Often people know they need to make a change but don’t really want to, therefore proclaim to everyone that it will be their New Year’s Resolution, so that no-one is surprised – and the individual isn’t disappointed – when they give…

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How millennials should future proof their careers

How millennials should future proof their careers

Introduction It often feels that not a day goes by without reading about another scary prediction that robots, artificial intelligence (AI) and other types of intelligent technology are going to rise up in the next few years, taking over our jobs, then our minds and reducing humanity to nothing more than a pet or play thing of super intelligent technology. Whilst this a somewhat tongue in cheek opening line, the headlines and articles – from highly credible sources – aren’t…

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Book Review: Peter Thiel – Zero to One

Book Review: Peter Thiel – Zero to One

My Overview: Peter Thiel needs no introduction, he is the co-founder of PayPal and was Facebook’s first professional investor, very impressive credentials. His book ‘Zero to One’ has been a hit since its publication in September 2014 and is seen as an absolute must-read in start-up circles. In the preface Thiel highlights that the book is all about ‘how to build companies that create new things’, but doesn’t try to hide the fact that he doesn’t have a success formulae,…

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Favourite Men’s Lifestyle Websites for Millennials

Favourite Men’s Lifestyle Websites for Millennials

Introduction  Social media has significantly increased the number of individuals and organisation who can influence your opinions, style and aspirations. There is a strong argument to say that there are now too many inputs and options in our lives making it more and more difficult to find what we really enjoy and relate to. It is with this in the forefront of my mind that I write this post. In this piece I want to highlight my favourite men’s lifestyle websites…

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Switching to Office 365

Switching to Office 365

Introduction  ‘The cloud’ is often seen as a big, scary and difficult to understand entirely. The aim of this piece is to explain why this isn’t the case by giving an overview of what Office 365 is and why it’s something you should consider adopting. I hope through explaining Office 365, including benefits, negatives and different uses for it, I’ll start to de-bunk some of the complexities of the cloud. Office 365 is the Microsoft cloud version of Office, which…

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