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Tag: productivity

 Podcasts: Why & When

 Podcasts: Why & When

Introduction  The aim of this blog is to explain the three reasons why I think podcasts are so useful and why everyone should listen to them. In short these are: The fact they are free They don’t require a constant internet connection You get a large spectrum of content After covering each of these in more detail, I’ll explain when I listen to podcasts and why, showing you how they can easily be fitted into your busy day. Back in…

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Power of Saying No

Power of Saying No

Introduction  We are taught from a very young age that we should say ‘yes’ to things and embrace the positive outcomes associated with saying ‘yes’. Saying ‘yes’ makes you a fun, courageous, dedicated, social and risk-taking person. Equally we are actively discouraged from saying ‘no’ and as such there are a number of negative connotation associated with saying ‘no’. These negative connotations include being classed as: selfish, lazy, boring and uninteresting. I want to challenge these stereotypes, not to argue…

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Passion – constraint or enabler?

Passion – constraint or enabler?

  Introduction The concept of passion is an emotive and contentious topic, a thorny issue and that’s why I want to cover it. Is it a good thing (an enabler) or a bad thing (constraint)? Let me start with a brief definition so we are all on the same page, I am defining a passion as something which you have a strong and intense love for, or interest in. I have two fundamental views on the importance and role of…

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Converting to a Ketogenic Breakfast

Converting to a Ketogenic Breakfast

  Introduction I decided to make a more interesting New Years Resolution in 2016, in addition to the standard aim to go to the gym more, I wanted to do something a little different. What did I choose? To eat a ketogenic breakfast every work day of the week. I’m sure two questions have immediately popped into your mind, (1) What is a ketogenic breakfast? (2) Why choose a ketogenic breakfast? Let me take each in turn. At a fundamental…

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