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Tag: motivation

Book Review: James Clear – Atomic Habits

Book Review: James Clear – Atomic Habits

My Perspective I first heard of this book – Atomic Habits – when the author, James Clear, did the Podcast rounds when the book first came out in late 2018 / early 2019 (this podcast episode was a favourite). On the various podcasts I enjoyed, and resonated with, many of his viewpoints on habits, but what convinced me to buy the book and read it in full was how consistently the book was – and still is – being praised…

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Psychological Mental Models – How to Make Better Decisions

Psychological Mental Models – How to Make Better Decisions

Introduction to mental models I am standing on the shoulders of giants when writing this post, which is a similar pattern with many of my posts. Some of the most inspirational individuals I’ve listened to, read or heard about have given incredible insights which have been the basis of my thinking on this topic. The most important are: Daniel Kahnman & Amos Tversky, Charlie Munger, Shane Parish (CEO at Farnam Street), James Clear (author of ‘Atomic Habits’) & Gabriel Weinberg…

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Don’t Underestimate Incrementalism

Don’t Underestimate Incrementalism

Introduction Incrementalism is truly awesome and despite the relatively significant press coverage it has received in recent years, too few people really understand it or know how to harness the power of it. What is Incrementalism? Wikipedia defines it as: ‘a method of working by adding to a project using many small incremental changes instead of a few (extensively planned) large jumps’ My renewed interest in incrementalism was sparked by listening to an excellent Freakonomics podcast episode; ‘In Praise of Incrementalism’. It reminded me…

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Favourite Men’s Lifestyle Websites for Millennials

Favourite Men’s Lifestyle Websites for Millennials

Introduction  Social media has significantly increased the number of individuals and organisation who can influence your opinions, style and aspirations. There is a strong argument to say that there are now too many inputs and options in our lives making it more and more difficult to find what we really enjoy and relate to. It is with this in the forefront of my mind that I write this post. In this piece I want to highlight my favourite men’s lifestyle websites…

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Getting up Each Morning

Getting up Each Morning

Introduction  In a previous post I have explained why I place so much importance on having a clearly defined and repeatable morning routine to ensure you maximise your time in the morning and set yourself up for the day in the best possible way, you can find that article here: The aim here is not to repeat myself but help those individuals who feel as through the creation of a morning routine is a pipe dream, just getting up…

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Forming Habits & Routines

Forming Habits & Routines

  Introduction  I wonder if there is anybody in this world who always has 100% happiness in themselves? If you are such a person then please do get in contact, I’d love to speak to you and hear your secret. For the rest of us, there is always something we want to improve about ourselves. Admittedly the spectrum is large. Some people wish they could change everything about themselves almost constantly, others have that small niggling thing that sometimes gets…

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Book Review: Urijah Faber – The Laws of the Ring

Book Review: Urijah Faber – The Laws of the Ring

Summary This was something of a left field book choice for me, I’ve never been into any form of martial arts or wrestling , but had heard so much about the rise of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) that I thought it was time to take a peak into a new world. I am not usually a fan of books by current athletes, often get the feeling they are a money spinner written by a ghost writer, and their best work doesn’t…

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