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Tag: Morning

Finding a Daily Breathing Exercise

Finding a Daily Breathing Exercise

  Introduction I have been thinking consciously about my breathing, and how controlling / monitoring my breathing can improve my performance, on and off since my middle teen years. In my early to mid-teens I was a semi-competent cross-country runner and I knew how important getting – and staying – in a steady breathing routine was to keep a steady pace in races. In recent years, consciousness of my breath has primarily come from my daily meditation, as well as…

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Benefits of a Scottish Shower

Benefits of a Scottish Shower

Introduction Having a daily hot shower is a habit that is almost universally shared in developed countries and something most of us have never thought about, but it is normal to turn on the hot tap when you get into the shower? For the majority of human existence having a hot shower was abnormal, primarily because it isn’t necessary and it was very costly and time consuming to warm the water only to throw it over you for a couple…

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New Habit: Morning Gym Workout

New Habit: Morning Gym Workout

Introduction:  I’m always looking at ways to enhance my routine, improve my good habits and eliminate the bad. One I’d been struggling to keep over the last year or so was going to the gym 3 times a week, I was very good at going at the weekend but with a busy job and wanting to see friends I struggled to go during the week. In this piece I want to explain how I managed to hack my morning routine and…

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Getting up Each Morning

Getting up Each Morning

Introduction  In a previous post I have explained why I place so much importance on having a clearly defined and repeatable morning routine to ensure you maximise your time in the morning and set yourself up for the day in the best possible way, you can find that article here: The aim here is not to repeat myself but help those individuals who feel as through the creation of a morning routine is a pipe dream, just getting up…

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Importance of a Morning Routine

Importance of a Morning Routine

Introduction  Does anyone enjoy the sound of their alarm going off every morning? I’m sure there are people somewhere who do but I am sure they are either extremely lucky or positively crazy, for the rest of us it is just something we have to deal with too many days of the week. However, just because it is something we have to deal with, doesn’t mean we have to dread it, or sleep walk through the first 1 to 2…

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