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Tag: Millennials Finance

Why you should track your spending, regardless of your financial position

Why you should track your spending, regardless of your financial position

Introduction Some say it’s too boring, others it’s too tedious, and others still that it’s too intimidating but I believe that tracking your spending – all of it – is a fundamentally important thing for everyone to do, regardless of your income or age. The digitisation of money and the growth of e-commerce has made it easier and quicker for us to spend money without fully thinking it through or realising exactly what we’ve spent where, which is why tracking what…

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Investing Advice for Millennials Post Brexit

Investing Advice for Millennials Post Brexit

  Introduction Wow, what an incredible past week. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last week you would have heard that the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union, commonly referred to as ‘Brexit’. Whilst I was a strong ‘Remain’ supporter, devastated by the vote of the British public on 23rd June, that is not the focus on this piece. In this post I want to focus on sharing the 5 best pieces of investing…

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