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Tag: Millennial

Moving to Irregular Posts

Moving to Irregular Posts

Since creating back in April 2016 I have posted new content, either a blog or book review, almost every week. However, in recent weeks, and moving forward, my approach is changing. I wanted to share with you what has led to this change in approach, what content I’ll be sharing in the future and also take the opportunity to review the best of what I’ve shared to date.  My reasons for starting this blog haven’t changed significantly over the…

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Favourite Bloggers for Millennials to Read

Favourite Bloggers for Millennials to Read

Introduction I love reading other blogs, especially by creative individuals who are established in multiple different fields. They help me become a better blogger, provide inspiration and broaden my horizons of interest. The aim of this piece is to share with you the best bloggers I believe millennials should be following right now. This article is part of a mini-series I have been sharing over the last few months, the first two articles in the series are: Favourite Men’s Lifestyle…

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Favourite Men’s Lifestyle Websites for Millennials

Favourite Men’s Lifestyle Websites for Millennials

Introduction  Social media has significantly increased the number of individuals and organisation who can influence your opinions, style and aspirations. There is a strong argument to say that there are now too many inputs and options in our lives making it more and more difficult to find what we really enjoy and relate to. It is with this in the forefront of my mind that I write this post. In this piece I want to highlight my favourite men’s lifestyle websites…

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Pension Saving as a Millennial

Pension Saving as a Millennial

Introduction  I wanted to focus on this topic given some rather worrying articles & findings which have been coming out in recent months on Millennials and there inability and unwillingness to saving for the future. Whilst many things for us millennials are much better than previous generations; smartphones, noise-cancelling headphones and Netflix to name a few, our prospects of having a comfortable well financed retirement is definitely not one of them. Millennials are being hit by an avalanche of things…

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Millennial Money Fundamentals

Millennial Money Fundamentals

Introduction  Lots of individuals, websites and companies go on and on about how, how much and where Millennials should be saving each month, far too often this information is so specific and un-relatable that Millennials never get past the first few days or steps of implementation. I have therefore decided to create this piece to take everything back to the start, in a simple to understand and implement way, highlighting the FOUR things every Millennial wanting to become conscious of…

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