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Tag: learning

Book Review: James Clear – Atomic Habits

Book Review: James Clear – Atomic Habits

My Perspective I first heard of this book – Atomic Habits – when the author, James Clear, did the Podcast rounds when the book first came out in late 2018 / early 2019 (this podcast episode was a favourite). On the various podcasts I enjoyed, and resonated with, many of his viewpoints on habits, but what convinced me to buy the book and read it in full was how consistently the book was – and still is – being praised…

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My Personal Creed & Using it to Create my Internal Scorecard

My Personal Creed & Using it to Create my Internal Scorecard

Introduction The term ‘Personal Creed’ is one that I’ve been loosely aware of for a while, and not just because it reminds me of ‘Assassin’s Creed’, although my memory isn’t good enough to recall who I first heard use it. The term ‘Internal Scorecard’ is most associated with Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger, and I was initially introduced to the term through the work of Shane Parish at Farnam Street. Other terms which you may have heard of which are…

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Use of Social Media: Benefits, Downfalls & My Manifesto

Use of Social Media: Benefits, Downfalls & My Manifesto

Introduction Social media plays such a central role in the way we engage with others and stay informed it’s sometimes hard to remember how we all functioned and stayed in touch before the likes of Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Instagram, to name but a few, established themselves. And yet, as they take over more and more of our mental effort and sit at the core of our cultural engagement, there is a growing body of evidence and opinion that we…

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Favourite Quotes Part 1 – To Live A Good Life

Favourite Quotes Part 1 – To Live A Good Life

Introduction I’ve loved quotes for a long time and have been collecting quotes that have made an impression on me for at least the last 5 years. I agree with Adam Grant when he said of quotes and aphorisms, “they’re memorable and They give meaning and direction. They spur new thoughts or new actions—or remind us to revisit old ones.” The quotes we love and remember are those that we feel speak directly to us, they transcend the individual context in…

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Should I Start a Journaling Practice – Part 2

Should I Start a Journaling Practice – Part 2

This is part 2 of my post on journaling, if you haven’t already seen part 1, you can find it here, it’s the best place to start!  What I Tested & My Journal Habit  The more research I did on the benefits of starting a journal the harder I found it to not give it a go. Despite having a fairly good idea about which type of journal would work best for me I gave each of them a go,…

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Should I Start a Journaling Practice? – Part 1

Should I Start a Journaling Practice? – Part 1

Introduction Alongside meditation, journaling is one of the major trends within the arena of productivity and self-improvement which so many ‘successful’ people talk about being key to keeping them calm, collected and able to sustain such busy lives. Being a student of productivity, it’s something I’ve heard about on podcasts, and read about in books and articles over the past couple of years, but for many reasons I never seemed to be able to talk myself into actually trying it….

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Josh Waitzkin – The Art of Learning

Josh Waitzkin – The Art of Learning

My Perspective Josh Waitzkin is the child prodigy Junior Chess Champion whose early life formed the book, and later the film, Searching for Bobby Fischer. In his early twenties Waitzkin’s focus moved from chess to martial arts, specifically Tai Chi. He subsequently went on to win several US national medals and become the 2004 world champion in Taiji Push Hands. I have to admit that I am not a huge fan of either chess or martial arts so you might…

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Favourite Bloggers for Millennials to Read

Favourite Bloggers for Millennials to Read

Introduction I love reading other blogs, especially by creative individuals who are established in multiple different fields. They help me become a better blogger, provide inspiration and broaden my horizons of interest. The aim of this piece is to share with you the best bloggers I believe millennials should be following right now. This article is part of a mini-series I have been sharing over the last few months, the first two articles in the series are: Favourite Men’s Lifestyle…

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How millennials should future proof their careers

How millennials should future proof their careers

Introduction It often feels that not a day goes by without reading about another scary prediction that robots, artificial intelligence (AI) and other types of intelligent technology are going to rise up in the next few years, taking over our jobs, then our minds and reducing humanity to nothing more than a pet or play thing of super intelligent technology. Whilst this a somewhat tongue in cheek opening line, the headlines and articles – from highly credible sources – aren’t…

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The Importance of Failure

The Importance of Failure

Introduction Failure has become a dirty word in modern culture in at least the last decade, associated with many negative connotations. Parents seem to never want their children to fail at anything, companies shy aware from calling out when employees fail at something and individuals are actively discouraged from reviewing their failures and instead told to only focus on successes or strengths. I believe this is fundamentally wrong, therefore I want to explain why I see failing as a fundamental…

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