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Tag: journaling

Should I Start a Journaling Practice – Part 2

Should I Start a Journaling Practice – Part 2

This is part 2 of my post on journaling, if you haven’t already seen part 1, you can find it here, it’s the best place to start!  What I Tested & My Journal Habit  The more research I did on the benefits of starting a journal the harder I found it to not give it a go. Despite having a fairly good idea about which type of journal would work best for me I gave each of them a go,…

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Should I Start a Journaling Practice? – Part 1

Should I Start a Journaling Practice? – Part 1

Introduction Alongside meditation, journaling is one of the major trends within the arena of productivity and self-improvement which so many ‘successful’ people talk about being key to keeping them calm, collected and able to sustain such busy lives. Being a student of productivity, it’s something I’ve heard about on podcasts, and read about in books and articles over the past couple of years, but for many reasons I never seemed to be able to talk myself into actually trying it….

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How to Break Bad Habits & Routines

How to Break Bad Habits & Routines

Introduction  In another post I have detailed the theory, application and importance of successfully forming good habits and routines, you can find it here. As important though, is how to break bad habits and routines, which is the topic I want to cover now. While I think there is a set process everyone can follow to create a good habit, breaking bad habits is a lot more personal, and therefore I would suggest a trial and error approach, not just…

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