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Tag: health

Improving My Posture

Improving My Posture

Introduction Common behaviour towards posture isn’t too dissimilar to common behaviour towards pensions. Towards both, individuals often fail to invest suitably in them while they are young, they fail to compound the benefits and don’t take corrective action early or invest sufficiently, and they suffer later in life as a result. Under-investing in a pension when young can lead to you having to work until past statutory retirement age and/ or having insufficient funds to live the life you’d like…

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Favourite Quotes Part 3 – Health & Nutrition

Favourite Quotes Part 3 – Health & Nutrition

Introduction I’ve loved quotes for a long time and have been collecting quotes that have made an impression on me for at least the last 5 years. I agree with Adam Grant when he said of quotes and aphorisms, “they’re memorable and They give meaning and direction. They spur new thoughts or new actions—or remind us to revisit old ones.” The quotes we love and remember are those that we feel speak directly to us, they transcend the individual context in…

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Finding a Daily Breathing Exercise

Finding a Daily Breathing Exercise

  Introduction I have been thinking consciously about my breathing, and how controlling / monitoring my breathing can improve my performance, on and off since my middle teen years. In my early to mid-teens I was a semi-competent cross-country runner and I knew how important getting – and staying – in a steady breathing routine was to keep a steady pace in races. In recent years, consciousness of my breath has primarily come from my daily meditation, as well as…

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Should I Start a Journaling Practice – Part 2

Should I Start a Journaling Practice – Part 2

This is part 2 of my post on journaling, if you haven’t already seen part 1, you can find it here, it’s the best place to start!  What I Tested & My Journal Habit  The more research I did on the benefits of starting a journal the harder I found it to not give it a go. Despite having a fairly good idea about which type of journal would work best for me I gave each of them a go,…

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Should I Start a Journaling Practice? – Part 1

Should I Start a Journaling Practice? – Part 1

Introduction Alongside meditation, journaling is one of the major trends within the arena of productivity and self-improvement which so many ‘successful’ people talk about being key to keeping them calm, collected and able to sustain such busy lives. Being a student of productivity, it’s something I’ve heard about on podcasts, and read about in books and articles over the past couple of years, but for many reasons I never seemed to be able to talk myself into actually trying it….

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Benefits of a Scottish Shower

Benefits of a Scottish Shower

Introduction Having a daily hot shower is a habit that is almost universally shared in developed countries and something most of us have never thought about, but it is normal to turn on the hot tap when you get into the shower? For the majority of human existence having a hot shower was abnormal, primarily because it isn’t necessary and it was very costly and time consuming to warm the water only to throw it over you for a couple…

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Benefits of Giving Blood

Benefits of Giving Blood

Introduction: Giving blood is something I have thought about doing a number of times over the years but never seemed to find time to actually do it. I finally managed to break a habit of a lifetime when I booked an appointment in December 2016, and had my first experience giving blood a couple of months ago. It wasn’t until the time approached that I started to look into the benefits of doing so, obviously there were the altruistic reasons,…

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Harnessing the Power of Placebos: Belief Not Hope

Harnessing the Power of Placebos: Belief Not Hope

Introduction Placebo effects are fascinating things which often produce very divided and divisive views. But let’s start simply: what is a placebo? A placebo is best described as a ‘harmless’ remedy that has positive effects on an ailment that cannot be attributed directly to the remedy itself. When most people think of a placebo one of two things often comes to mind; (1) a parent kissing a child’s knee after they have fallen and hurt themselves (2) a patient being…

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