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Tag: Gym

Stay In, Work Out – Social Distancing Workout Routine

Stay In, Work Out – Social Distancing Workout Routine

Introduction The change in my workout regime and the catalyst of this post was the COVID-19 In March 2020 gyms across the UK closed, as well as restaurants, schools and basically all other ‘non-critical’ establishments apart from hospitals, supermarkets etc. The current social distancing measures in place inspired me to create a non-gym workout routine, which I honestly don’t think I would have done, or would be religiously following, had there not been a lockdown. The two key ingredients are:…

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Reviewing 2017 & Planning 2018

Reviewing 2017 & Planning 2018

  Introduction  This won’t be yet another New Year’s Resolution blog post, I’m sure your sick of reading or hearing about them by now.   I don’t like making New Year’s Resolutions, primarily because it often feels like people make them purely to break them! Often people know they need to make a change but don’t really want to, therefore proclaim to everyone that it will be their New Year’s Resolution, so that no-one is surprised – and the individual isn’t disappointed – when they give…

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Moving to Irregular Posts

Moving to Irregular Posts

Since creating back in April 2016 I have posted new content, either a blog or book review, almost every week. However, in recent weeks, and moving forward, my approach is changing. I wanted to share with you what has led to this change in approach, what content I’ll be sharing in the future and also take the opportunity to review the best of what I’ve shared to date.  My reasons for starting this blog haven’t changed significantly over the…

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New Habit: Morning Gym Workout

New Habit: Morning Gym Workout

Introduction:  I’m always looking at ways to enhance my routine, improve my good habits and eliminate the bad. One I’d been struggling to keep over the last year or so was going to the gym 3 times a week, I was very good at going at the weekend but with a busy job and wanting to see friends I struggled to go during the week. In this piece I want to explain how I managed to hack my morning routine and…

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Gym Workout for Swimmers

Gym Workout for Swimmers

Introduction  I have created a separate piece on my preferred ‘overall gym’ exercises. That piece focused on individuals looking to maximize lean muscle development and looking for the ‘cover page’ body. So if you are interested, check it out here: However, that isn’t what everyone is looking for in a gym routine, many people look to use the gym to supplement there training for the sports they love and/or compete in. This post will focus on the best gym…

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Optimal Gym Exercises

Optimal Gym Exercises

  Introduction I am in good shape, I am 6 foot 4ins tall and weigh 85kgs (13st 4lbs), but I’m not a professional athlete or a fitness instructor, I’m a full time Technology Consultant who also has this blog to maintain alongside spending time with friends, family and relaxing. I try to go to the gym 3 times a week, to date this year I have been 2.3 times a week – tracked using  CoachMe App – so I’m close…

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