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Tag: gratitude

My Personal Creed & Using it to Create my Internal Scorecard

My Personal Creed & Using it to Create my Internal Scorecard

Introduction The term ‘Personal Creed’ is one that I’ve been loosely aware of for a while, and not just because it reminds me of ‘Assassin’s Creed’, although my memory isn’t good enough to recall who I first heard use it. The term ‘Internal Scorecard’ is most associated with Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger, and I was initially introduced to the term through the work of Shane Parish at Farnam Street. Other terms which you may have heard of which are…

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Should I Start a Journaling Practice – Part 2

Should I Start a Journaling Practice – Part 2

This is part 2 of my post on journaling, if you haven’t already seen part 1, you can find it here, it’s the best place to start!  What I Tested & My Journal Habit  The more research I did on the benefits of starting a journal the harder I found it to not give it a go. Despite having a fairly good idea about which type of journal would work best for me I gave each of them a go,…

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