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Tag: Exercise

Stay In, Work Out – Social Distancing Workout Routine

Stay In, Work Out – Social Distancing Workout Routine

Introduction The change in my workout regime and the catalyst of this post was the COVID-19 In March 2020 gyms across the UK closed, as well as restaurants, schools and basically all other ‘non-critical’ establishments apart from hospitals, supermarkets etc. The current social distancing measures in place inspired me to create a non-gym workout routine, which I honestly don’t think I would have done, or would be religiously following, had there not been a lockdown. The two key ingredients are:…

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10 stretches you should be doing 

10 stretches you should be doing 

Introduction Stretching is often seen as the unnecessary thing we should be doing before the gym or exercise, but never seem to have the time to do. This is the wrong automatic or starting position, I want to highlight the significant benefits that stretching regularly can have and share the 10 best stretches you should be doing 3 times a week to realise these benefits. I really got into the science and benefits of stretching after a lower back injury,…

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