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Tag: change

Book Review: James Clear – Atomic Habits

Book Review: James Clear – Atomic Habits

My Perspective I first heard of this book – Atomic Habits – when the author, James Clear, did the Podcast rounds when the book first came out in late 2018 / early 2019 (this podcast episode was a favourite). On the various podcasts I enjoyed, and resonated with, many of his viewpoints on habits, but what convinced me to buy the book and read it in full was how consistently the book was – and still is – being praised…

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Favourite Quotes Part 2 – Success

Favourite Quotes Part 2 – Success

Introduction I’ve loved quotes for a long time and have been collecting quotes that have made an impression on me for at least the last 5 years. I agree with Adam Grant when he said of quotes and aphorisms, “they’re memorable and They give meaning and direction. They spur new thoughts or new actions—or remind us to revisit old ones.” The quotes we love and remember are those that we feel speak directly to us, they transcend the individual context in…

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Moving to Irregular Posts

Moving to Irregular Posts

Since creating back in April 2016 I have posted new content, either a blog or book review, almost every week. However, in recent weeks, and moving forward, my approach is changing. I wanted to share with you what has led to this change in approach, what content I’ll be sharing in the future and also take the opportunity to review the best of what I’ve shared to date.  My reasons for starting this blog haven’t changed significantly over the…

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