Introduction to Book Reviews

Introduction to Book Reviews

Having not read in any serious capacity as a youngster I entered my post-university life feeling like I’d missed out and regretted watching TV Soups instead of reading more and growing my knowledge & experiences through books, and wanted to correct this.

The aim of this section of my blog is not to provide an in-depth literary critique of books but a place for me to give my overall impression of the books I’ve recently reading and the most important things I learnt from reading the text and am trying to apply to my own life. I also hope that creating this section will continue to inspire me to read more & learn more.

Must confess I cannot take credit for providing this type of review, I first saw it on the blog of the excellent Derek Sivers, however the contents of my reviews are absolutely my own views & impressions, or direct quotes from the books.

Creation of notes & annotations on books is new to me in 2016 however I have read some fabulous books before, my current favourites right now are below, but these do change based on my mood and other personal factors;

  • Gregory David Roberts – Shantaram
  • Iain Banks – Wasp Factory
  • Danny Wallace – Yes Man
  • Jon Ronson – Psychopath Test
  • Khaled Hosseini – The Kite Runner
  • Sebastian Faulks – Birdsong
  • Joseph Heller – Catch 22
  • Owen Jones – The Establishment
  • Glenn Greenwald – No Place to Hide
  • Hunter S Thompson – The Rum Diaries
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