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Tag: Workplace

How millennials should future proof their careers

How millennials should future proof their careers

Introduction It often feels that not a day goes by without reading about another scary prediction that robots, artificial intelligence (AI) and other types of intelligent technology are going to rise up in the next few years, taking over our jobs, then our minds and reducing humanity to nothing more than a pet or play thing of super intelligent technology. Whilst this a somewhat tongue in cheek opening line, the headlines and articles – from highly credible sources – aren’t…

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Book Review: Richard Thaler – Misbehaving

Book Review: Richard Thaler – Misbehaving

My Overview Richard Thaler is one of the greatest behavioural economists ever, he was pivotal in bringing the founding ideas of Daniel Kahnman and Amos Tversky into mainstream Economics. He was also one of the key experts brought in to help formulate the British Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) aka the Nudge Unit in the UK, similar units cannot be found across most Western governments. I have been fascinated by behavioural economics since I first started studying economics aged 16. I…

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