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Tag: Saving

How to Retire Early as a Millennial – Part 2

How to Retire Early as a Millennial – Part 2

PLEASE NOTE: If you haven’t read Part 1 of this piece I recommend you start with that, before reading on, you can find it here. Calculating how to reach your Target income Making calculations years into the future is far from easy, for starters we might all be retired in 30 years with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robots doing all our work for us. Even without considering massive changes like that, making calculations is harder, a couple of percentage differences in…

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How to Retire Early as a Millennial – Part 1

How to Retire Early as a Millennial – Part 1

Introduction Retirement, it is something which millennials often think is too far away to think or worry about. However, I think about it more than your average millennial because I want to be able to retire early. If you are a millennial in the UK the chances are you won’t be able to receive your national pension until you are at least 70, given most people would have started full time work between the ages of 18 & 22, that…

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Best Personal Finance Sites for Millennials

Best Personal Finance Sites for Millennials

  Introduction As part of my website and through my blogs I try to offer a good sprinkling of personal finance advice, based on solid finance theory and my own experience, focusing on important issues for millennials. Of course, the solid finance theory that I provide doesn’t just come from my own mind, I spend a good amount of time seeking out and refining the advice of others. The aim of this piece is to share the 7 best personal…

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Investing in a Lifetime ISA

Investing in a Lifetime ISA

  Introduction There appears to be more recognition than ever of the difficulties first time buyers – the majority of whom are millennials – are having trying to get onto the property ladder. On first glance the Lifetime ISA (LISA), along with the Help to Buy ISA, is just another tool the UK government is using to add at least a little more balance to the system. But in reality, the LISA is more than that. The LISA is also…

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Pension Saving as a Millennial

Pension Saving as a Millennial

Introduction  I wanted to focus on this topic given some rather worrying articles & findings which have been coming out in recent months on Millennials and there inability and unwillingness to saving for the future. Whilst many things for us millennials are much better than previous generations; smartphones, noise-cancelling headphones and Netflix to name a few, our prospects of having a comfortable well financed retirement is definitely not one of them. Millennials are being hit by an avalanche of things…

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