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Tag: Nudge

Book Review: Richard Thaler – Misbehaving

Book Review: Richard Thaler – Misbehaving

My Overview Richard Thaler is one of the greatest behavioural economists ever, he was pivotal in bringing the founding ideas of Daniel Kahnman and Amos Tversky into mainstream Economics. He was also one of the key experts brought in to help formulate the British Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) aka the Nudge Unit in the UK, similar units cannot be found across most Western governments. I have been fascinated by behavioural economics since I first started studying economics aged 16. I…

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Getting up Each Morning

Getting up Each Morning

Introduction  In a previous post I have explained why I place so much importance on having a clearly defined and repeatable morning routine to ensure you maximise your time in the morning and set yourself up for the day in the best possible way, you can find that article here: The aim here is not to repeat myself but help those individuals who feel as through the creation of a morning routine is a pipe dream, just getting up…

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