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Tag: Automation

How millennials should future proof their careers

How millennials should future proof their careers

Introduction It often feels that not a day goes by without reading about another scary prediction that robots, artificial intelligence (AI) and other types of intelligent technology are going to rise up in the next few years, taking over our jobs, then our minds and reducing humanity to nothing more than a pet or play thing of super intelligent technology. Whilst this a somewhat tongue in cheek opening line, the headlines and articles – from highly credible sources – aren’t…

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Getting up Each Morning

Getting up Each Morning

Introduction  In a previous post I have explained why I place so much importance on having a clearly defined and repeatable morning routine to ensure you maximise your time in the morning and set yourself up for the day in the best possible way, you can find that article here: The aim here is not to repeat myself but help those individuals who feel as through the creation of a morning routine is a pipe dream, just getting up…

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