Search Results for: habit

Book Review: Johann Hari – Chasing The Scream

  Whilst book reviews are a core and fundamental part of my website Johann Hari’s ‘Chasing the Scream’ may not immediately jump out to you as fitting in with the wider theme. The reason I read this book and wanted to share the key things I found out and learnt from the book is because we millennials will one day soon be the generation running the world, and we have the opportunity to learn the lessons of the failed ‘War…

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Power of Social Accountability

Introduction Social accountability has been a significant buzzword in the blogosphere in recent months and years, yet it remains a massively encompassing topic and can take on a many different means. The aim of this piece is to focus on why social accountability can be good for personal growth and help you reach the targets you’ve been struggling over for a long time, I’ll also touch upon how it can help society improve at a macro-level. I should start by…

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Problems with a Constant Upgrade Culture

Introduction  We live in a culture where everyone is constantly looking for the latest version of what they already own and what already works perfectly, the next upgrade, and this isn’t just restricted to the technology industry. The aim of this piece is three-fold, (1) highlight that this upgrade culture is a fairly new phenomenon, then theorise why and how its come into being  (2) show why it is having a detrimental effect on wider society and (3) explain what…

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Starting Stock Market Investment

  Introduction I am an amateur investor and have been for a while under a year. I do not profess to being a master or having the perfect formulae to building your millions (sorry!) but I do think I’ve learnt some very important things in my short time investing and given the period of time I’ve been invested puts me in an excellent positon to give an honest & fresh perspective to help those first time investors take the plunge and get…

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Keep the fat, cut the sugar

  Introduction  Ask the average person on the street, and I’m sure the majority would say that sugar is bad, getting that information into the sub-conscious has worked. What hasn’t worked it’s way into the average persons sub-conscious are either of the following: (1) carbohydrates are converted to glucose (sugar) in the body and eating refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice etc) is basically eating sugar (2) fat is good for you, we need to consume more fat. These points…

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Importance of a Morning Routine

Introduction  Does anyone enjoy the sound of their alarm going off every morning? I’m sure there are people somewhere who do but I am sure they are either extremely lucky or positively crazy, for the rest of us it is just something we have to deal with too many days of the week. However, just because it is something we have to deal with, doesn’t mean we have to dread it, or sleep walk through the first 1 to 2…

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Pension Saving as a Millennial

Introduction  I wanted to focus on this topic given some rather worrying articles & findings which have been coming out in recent months on Millennials and there inability and unwillingness to saving for the future. Whilst many things for us millennials are much better than previous generations; smartphones, noise-cancelling headphones and Netflix to name a few, our prospects of having a comfortable well financed retirement is definitely not one of them. Millennials are being hit by an avalanche of things…

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Converting to a Ketogenic Breakfast

  Introduction I decided to make a more interesting New Years Resolution in 2016, in addition to the standard aim to go to the gym more, I wanted to do something a little different. What did I choose? To eat a ketogenic breakfast every work day of the week. I’m sure two questions have immediately popped into your mind, (1) What is a ketogenic breakfast? (2) Why choose a ketogenic breakfast? Let me take each in turn. At a fundamental…

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Book Review: Urijah Faber – The Laws of the Ring

Summary This was something of a left field book choice for me, I’ve never been into any form of martial arts or wrestling , but had heard so much about the rise of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) that I thought it was time to take a peak into a new world. I am not usually a fan of books by current athletes, often get the feeling they are a money spinner written by a ghost writer, and their best work doesn’t…

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