Search Results for: habit

Why you should track your spending, regardless of your financial position

Introduction Some say it’s too boring, others it’s too tedious, and others still that it’s too intimidating but I believe that tracking your spending – all of it – is a fundamentally important thing for everyone to do, regardless of your income or age. The digitisation of money and the growth of e-commerce has made it easier and quicker for us to spend money without fully thinking it through or realising exactly what we’ve spent where, which is why tracking what…

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Should I Start a Journaling Practice – Part 2

This is part 2 of my post on journaling, if you haven’t already seen part 1, you can find it here, it’s the best place to start!  What I Tested & My Journal Habit  The more research I did on the benefits of starting a journal the harder I found it to not give it a go. Despite having a fairly good idea about which type of journal would work best for me I gave each of them a go,…

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Should I Start a Journaling Practice? – Part 1

Introduction Alongside meditation, journaling is one of the major trends within the arena of productivity and self-improvement which so many ‘successful’ people talk about being key to keeping them calm, collected and able to sustain such busy lives. Being a student of productivity, it’s something I’ve heard about on podcasts, and read about in books and articles over the past couple of years, but for many reasons I never seemed to be able to talk myself into actually trying it….

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Cultivating a Mindfulness and Meditation Routine

Introduction The terms mindfulness and meditation are very popular at the moment, and this can clearly be seen in the rise of mobile apps such as Headspace, Calm, Buddhify and The Mindfulness App. However, there are many things which hit the mass conscious and are quickly forgotten or proven to be fakes, so for a long time I was sceptical. Two things quickly showed me that my scepticism was perhaps unfounded: The concept of meditation and mindfulness has been around…

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Reviewing 2017 & Planning 2018

  Introduction  This won’t be yet another New Year’s Resolution blog post, I’m sure your sick of reading or hearing about them by now.   I don’t like making New Year’s Resolutions, primarily because it often feels like people make them purely to break them! Often people know they need to make a change but don’t really want to, therefore proclaim to everyone that it will be their New Year’s Resolution, so that no-one is surprised – and the individual isn’t disappointed – when they give…

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Book Review: Malcolm Gladwell – Outliers

My Perspective Malcolm Gladwell shot to fame when his first book ‘The Tipping Point’ was released in 2000, and ‘Outliers’ – his third book – is arguably his most famous. The most often quoted part of the book is his view that 10,000 hours is the magic number to achieve mastery of a given skill. This fact is often misquoted and misunderstood, but is nonetheless a core concept in a book focused on explaining why and how we concentrate on…

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Benefits of a Scottish Shower

Introduction Having a daily hot shower is a habit that is almost universally shared in developed countries and something most of us have never thought about, but it is normal to turn on the hot tap when you get into the shower? For the majority of human existence having a hot shower was abnormal, primarily because it isn’t necessary and it was very costly and time consuming to warm the water only to throw it over you for a couple…

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First Time Managing Others

Introduction Directly line managing someone – instead of just leading a small segment of what they do – is an extremely important skill to foster, but one that sufficient direct training and coaching isn’t often provided for. If you want to learn about accounting or programming you read a book and/or take an online course, but you can’t simply do that to learn how to manage people. Each individual is different and the type of person you are impacts what…

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Moving to Irregular Posts

Since creating back in April 2016 I have posted new content, either a blog or book review, almost every week. However, in recent weeks, and moving forward, my approach is changing. I wanted to share with you what has led to this change in approach, what content I’ll be sharing in the future and also take the opportunity to review the best of what I’ve shared to date.  My reasons for starting this blog haven’t changed significantly over the…

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Top 10 Recommendations for Singapore

Introduction My fiancée and I fell in love with Singapore immediately, it’s a fantastic city-state and I’d highly recommend it to anyone to visit. I’m sure our perception was influenced by the fact we were riding the wave of happiness as a result of the fact we had just got engaged, but even if that hadn’t occurred, I think I’d still have fallen in love with Singapore. Having flown in from the quaint and empty islands on the east coast…

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