Book Review: Robert Kiyosaki – Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Book Review: Robert Kiyosaki – Rich Dad, Poor Dad


Summary: Robert Kitosaki is a very famous name in the world of self-made money and the massive machine around ‘how to get rich’, so this was one of the first books I came across when I starting looking. I didn’t really like the book or his writing style, he comes across rather condescending, also he has a tendency to write and write without actually giving the reader anything tangible to actually use. One of the main positive qualities is that it helps explain how low the barriers to entry to wealth growth can be and that the key thing to success is starting and following a guided set of principles from the start.

Below are the 11 key things I took from reading ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’, obviously if you want more information on these and want them elaborated then would be best for you to buy the book.

1. Find a reason greater than reality – want to get rich

2. Make Daily Choices – do not subscribe to get-rich quick mentality

3. Choose friends carefully – associate with wealthy people, not for their money, but their knowledge. Be willing not to follow the crowd.

4. Master a formula and then learn a new one – must learn fast

5. Pay yourself First – i.e. your investments & savings should be paid first from your salary, don’t get into consumer debt. Keep expenses low & build assets first. Never ‘dip into savings’

6. Pay your brokers well – more money they make, the more money you make. Manage & reward people smarter than you.

7. Try to get something for nothing – look at more than Return On Investment (ROI)

8. Use Assets to buy luxuries – don’t use loans or debt to buy them

9. Choose Heroes – copy what people like Warren Buffet & George Soros are doing

10. Teach & You Share Receive – if you want something, you first need to give it

11. Profit is made in buying not selling. If supermarket has a sale everyone goes to buy, if real estate or stock market has crash or correction, people run away.

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