Book Review: Urijah Faber – The Laws of the Ring

Book Review: Urijah Faber – The Laws of the Ring


This was something of a left field book choice for me, I’ve never been into any form of martial arts or wrestling , but had heard so much about the rise of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) that I thought it was time to take a peak into a new world. I am not usually a fan of books by current athletes, often get the feeling they are a money spinner written by a ghost writer, and their best work doesn’t come together until after they’ve retired and have time to reflect on their career and really open up. At times I got this feeling about ‘The Laws of the Ring’ but Urijah does offer a significant amount of insight into his own life & his philosophy. I found the book to be an excellent motivator, it shows that if you have true dedication & determination you can become world class at your ‘passion’. The principles or ‘Laws’ Urijah describes help provide a moral & aspiration compass to live by, and there are some great examples of how to deal with people coming into and out of your life as your popularity & celebrity status ebbs & flows. 
Laws of Power

(1) Positive Thinking Breeds Success 
(2) Enjoy What You Have 
(3) Create Healthier Habits 
(4) Life Is About the Journey, Not the Destination 
(5) Know Yourself 
(6) Work Harder & Smarter – Plan 
(7) Push Through Life’s Hiccups – Learn to Deal With Change 
(8) Learn From Your Mistakes 
(9) Understand Your Talents – Competency Model: 
   (a) Conscious Competence – Knowing your good & knowing why 
   (b) Unconscious Competence – Knowing your good but not why 
   (c) Unconscious Incompetence – Not being good (doing the wrong thing) and not knowing why 
   (d) Conscious Incompetence – Doing wrong thing & knowing your doing the wrong thing  
(10) Use Your Head – Get Ahead & Stay Ahead 
(11) Your Fate Is Not Predetermined  
(12) Fight Adversity with Passion – Consistent Persistence – Don’t give up on passion just because you don’t get there so quick, or people warn you not to 
(13) Everyone Needs Reassurance 
(14) Don’t Let Convention & Comfort Lead. Let Passion Lead 
(15) Emulate the Successful 
(16) Eyes Forward, not backward 
(17) You Never Know Who’s Watching – Power of Personal Credit – Combination of your word, your personality and your trustworthiness. 
(18) Opinions Don’t Drive Reality 
(19) Keep It Real 
(20) Build a Community of Potential 
(21) Go the Extra Mile 
(22) Create Your Own Opportunities  
(23) Connect the People You Trust 
(24) It is Who You Know….kind of. Its what those people think about you, how deeply they want to be involved with you, and if they believe you are a credible person 
(25) Everyone Has Strengths 
(26) Talk the Talk…but you must Walk the Walk first 
(27) Tough Love Is An Art – Drop shit people as soon as possible 
(28) Money Is a Nagging Reality 
(29) Be the Bigger Man 
(30) The Power of Friendship 
(31) Block Out Fear 
(32) The Dignity of the Good Loss – losing isn’t always bad, can still learn lessons 
(33) Fight to the Bitter End 
(34) Find the Good in Bad Situations 
(35) Know Your Enemy 
(36) There’s No Excuse for a Lame Excuse

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